
Doug Van Houten

Body, Art, & Soul Guide

Nature-Based Soul Guiding & Mentoring

For personal and planetary metamorphosis

“What if we discover that our present way of life is irreconcilable with our vocation to become fully human?” —Paulo Freire 


Doug Van Houten is a Soulcraft™ guide with the Animas Valley Institute ( He also guides programs & mentors individuals on the land at the farm that he lives on in Goshen, Kentucky (20 minutes outside Louisville) and at a distance using Skype or phone. 

To view the Harrods Creek Farm click here.

THERE IS A PROFOUND AND UNMET LONGING in contemporary culture for a life of deeper meaning, purpose, and fulfillment especially at this critical juncture in human history. Contemporary society has lost connection to soul and the path to psychological and spiritual maturity. The life-denying norms of our culture encourage us to remain passive, distracted and numb. Daily we experience a sense of unraveling, loss, and uncertainty. Yet, we long to show up in the world in full flowering, in matured wholeness, as an embodied vision. We long to become fully human, courageous and wildly alive. Pollinating the world with our unique gifts.

Nature-based BODY, ART & SOUL offers loving, wise, and timely medicine for ourselves and our world. This work weaves together a wide range of practices both ancestral and contemporary to facilitate self-healing and the cultivation of innate human wholeness. The goal of this work, ultimately, is not only to heal, but to mature psychologically and spiritually, and live a life more centered in soul. Eventually reshaping ourselves into visionaries with the artistry to transform our individual and collective planetary wasteland

LEARN to give of your natural grace and unique gifts as a soulful response to the world at this time. Discover:

  • How to summon, recognize and consciously cultivate your embodied innate human wholeness,

  • Ways to identify, befriend and integrate the fragmented selves to find the initiatory gifts hidden within each,

  • Practices that invite a deeper communion with the living world, 

  • An enhanced awareness of your ecological identity and find your place in the world from a more soul-oriented perspective,

  • Practices to shift consciousness in order to access deep imagination, dreams, reflections, memories & vision — the language of soul,

  • Recognize your true place of belonging within the greater web of life,

  • How to participate in what Thomas Berry calls, The Dream of the Earth.

Are you willing to risk a radical re-imagining of your life's purpose?

Podcast Interviews with Doug:

Podcast Audio with Caravan of the Heart

Podcast Audio with Liz Wiltzen of Tracking Yes!

Podcast Audio with Juniper Owens with Academy of Integrative Mental Health

Podcast Audio with A Healing Bridge — Ancestors in the Making



Practices of Body, Mind & Soul


Wild Mind — maP of the Psyche*


shadow work

Wandering In Nature

Deep Imagery

The Way of COuncil

Symbolic Artwork

Vision Fast (Quest)

Ritual & Emergent Ceremony

Personal Mythos

Sacred Wound Work

Body Inquiry

Refined Hakomi



*Created by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.

A Taste of What’s to Come


Prayers in the Dark: Tending Our Visionary Fires — Online
w/Doug Van Houten and Rebecca Wildbear, M.S.
Oct 14 – 18, 2022

WE LIVE AT A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN EARTH’S HISTORY, a time of extraordinary challenge and uncertainty in which our precious world — with its endangered creatures and imperiled ecosystems — hangs by a precariously thin thread. The human species has entered a collective dark night — perhaps a necessary one. At an hour like this, each of us must dare to walk directly into the fires of love, bravely relinquishing old modes of being and surrendering ourselves to what is beckoning from the human soul and from what Thomas Berry calls, ‘the Dream of the Earth’. While cooking in these fires, as we behold the breath-taking beauty of our world as well as its immense suffering, what visions might emerge from our prayers in the dark?

introduction to soulcraft at pacifica graduate institute — online
w/Doug Van Houten & Brian Stafford, MD, MPH
october 28 – 30, 2022

This program is produced by Pacifica Graduate Institute. Please click below for more information about this program, and address all questions to

Soulcraft™ is for people seeking greater connection, depth, and clarity regarding life purpose and meaning. 

THE SOULCRAFT INTENSIVE is an experiential plunge into the wild depths of the Psyche. Soulcraft™ is a synergistic set of nature-based skills and practices designed to evoke the life-shifting experience of soul encounter – the revelation of our unique mythopoetic identity. An identity expressed through symbol and metaphor, image and dream, archetype and myth; an identity embodied in a mysterious story that whispers to us in moments of expanded awareness and exquisite aliveness.

sonoran Desert Quest
w/Doug Van Houten & Rebecca Wildbear, M.S.
November 2 – 13, 2022

This contemporary Western embodiment of the ancient, pan-cultural vision fast is a dynamic wilderness rite for all who are seeking greater depth and clarity about life purpose and meaning. As a rite of initiation, the quest is a ceremonial descent to the underworld, in which you die to your familiar way of belonging to the world, uncover the passion and wisdom of your soul, and retrieve the gift that is yours alone to bring to the world, enhancing personal fulfillment and genuine service.

We do not go into the desert to escape
people but to learn how to find them:
we do not leave them in order to have
nothing more to do with them,
but to find out the way
to do them the most good.

Thomas Merton-




I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible;
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom,
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.

—Dawna Markova